Welcome to Oakbank Kindergarten

Oakbank Kindergarten is situated in a historic stone building built in 1868 which is set within picturesque grounds. The Kindergarten setting offers a natural environment which supports children to develop a strong sense of wellbeing and dispositions for learning that will prepare them for their future in an ever changing world.
We offer a dynamic program in partnership with families and the local community that fosters a sense of care for ourselves, others and the environment. Children lead the learning through their interests, skills, family support and relationships with educators.

In 2017 our service was rated as Exceeding National Quality Standards by the Education and Early Childhood Services Registration and Standards Board.

Acknowledgement of Country
This land belongs to all of us. For many years people have walked on this ground, they have met here on this land, living and learning and connecting, and they valued this place.We acknowledge that the land we are on is the traditional land of Aboriginal custodians including the Peramangk and Kaurna people and that they have a strong connection and cultural relationship with their country.
Together we will continue to take care of this land
Enrol your child to Oakbank Kindergarten Today.

Mid Year Intakes also now open!
For further details:
Operating Hours
Children attend 5 full days over the fortnight:
Tuesday 9am – 3pm
Wednesday 9am – 3pm
Every second Thursday 9am – 3pm
(even weeks of term ie 2,4,6,8,10)

Whats Happening?

What our Children say…
We play lots of games and dont hurt our friends.
We organise our belongings and do relaxation to keep our bodies calm. We read books and do drawings.
Outside we play in the sandpit, run and pick beautiful things to put on our vine wreaths.
We play on the swings. Our favourite is the round one that four people can go on.
We have a mud kitchen and we do gardening. We water the plants.
We have safe hands and safe feet.
Parent Information
Priority of Access
PDF Document
Information Booklet
PDF Document
Preschool Registration Form
PDF Document
Contribution Fee Policy
PDF Document
Medical Conditions Policy
PDF Document
Allergy Awareness and Anaphylaxis Policy
PDF Document
Excursion Policy
PDF Document
Nutrition Policy
PDF Document
Sunsmart Policy
PDF Document
Grievance Policy
PDF Document
Bushfire Brochure
PDF Document
Emergency Managment Plan
PDF Document
How we grow
Statement of Philosophy
At Oakbank Kindergarten our Philosophy is based on four key elements that are foundational to quality education, encouraging powerful learning:

All Young Children Thriving and Learning
A new early learning strategy has been developed to support every child to thrive and learn.
The Early Learning Strategy will deliver support for child development, parent engagement in learning, responsive local services and increased participation in early childhood settings. It also aims to support all our preschools to be world-class, with a focus on leadership, teaching and learning, and system support.
The department has co-designed a new 10-year Early Learning Strategy 2021 to 2031: All Children Thriving and Learning, that recognises the importance of early childhood learning and development
Contact Us
Director: Irene O’Callaghan
Phone: (08) 8388 4141
Mobile: 0419 506 872
Fax: (08) 8398 0082
Street Address: 214 Onkaparinga Valley Road Oakbank SA 5243
Email: dl.4645.leaders@schools.sa.edu.au
Partnership: Heysen
Feedback and Complaints
Let us know if you have feedback or a complaint, or if you want to give us a compliment. Feedback is valuable as it helps us shape our services to meet your needs.